Research Interest

Talk at "Heliophysics
in Europe" Workshop

The main research focus lies on the solar wind and large-scale solar wind structures (coronal mass ejections, stream ineraction regions, high-speed streams) and their influence on the Earth's magnetosheath and magnetosphere. In particular, I investigate the influence of the solar wind on dynamic pressure enhancements ("jets") in the magnetosheath. The broader research focus includes stellar activity and solar- terrestrial relations in general.
I am part of the Heliospheric Research Group at the University of Graz.
Visit my university sciene webpage for additional information on my current work and publications.


Koller, F., Raptis, S., Temmer, M., Karlsson, T., (2024).
The Effect of Fast Solar Wind on Ion Distribution Downstream of Earth’s Bow Shock.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 964, L5, doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad2ddf

Koller, F., Plaschke, F., Temmer, M., Preisser, L., Roberts, O. and Vörös, Z., (2023)
Magnetosheath Jet Formation influenced by Parameters in Solar Wind Structures.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2023JA031339, doi: 10.1029/2023JA031339

Koller, F.,Temmer, M.,Preisser, L.,Plaschke, F.,Geyer, P.,Jian, L. K., et al. (2022)
Magnetosheath jet occurrence rate in relation to CMEs and SIRs.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,127, e2021JA030124, doi: 10.1029/2021JA030124

Koller F., Leitzinger M., Temmer M., Odert P., Beck P. G., Veronig A. (2021)
A search for flares and associated CMEs on late-type main-sequence stars in optical SDSS spectra.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 646 A34, doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039003

Vuorinen, L., LaMoury, A. T., Hietala, H., & Koller, F. (2023)
Magnetosheath jets over solar cycle 24: An empirical model.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2023JA031493. doi: 10.1029/2023JA031493

Leitzinger, M., Odert, P. Greimel, R., Vida, K., Kriskovics, L., Guenther, E. W.; Korhonen, H., Koller, F. Hanslmeier, A.,Kővári, Zs, Lammer, H. (2020)
A census of coronal mass ejections on solar-like stars.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 493, Issue 3, p.4570-4589

My ORCID profile: ORCID iD icon

Talks and poster presentations (selection):

See my Google Scholar profile for an overview of my papers and abstracts.

Koller, F.; Temmer, M.; Plaschke, F.; Simon Wedlund, C.; Preisser, L.; Roberts, O. W.; Vörös, Z.; Pöppelwerth, A.; Weiß, S.
Connecting Solar Wind Structures with the terrestrial Magnetosheath: Jet Occurrence and Plasma Stability.
Oral Presentation. Heliophysics in Europe Workshop. ESTEC; Nordwijk, The Netherlands.

Koller, F.
Investigating Plasma Stability within Solar Wind Structures & Jets in the dayside terrestrial Magnetosheath
Oral Presentation. THEMIS-ARTEMIS Post-AGU Fall Meeting 2023, online, San Francisco.

Koller, F.; Plaschke, F.; Preisser, L.; Temmer, M.; Roberts, O.W., Z. Vörös.
Modification of magnetosheath jet occurrence and properties within CMEs and SIRs.
Oral Presentation. EGU 2023, Vienna.

Koller, F.; Plaschke, F.; Preisser, L.; Temmer, M.; Roberts, O.W.
Solar wind conditions suppressing the production of magnetosheath jets during CME occurrence.
Oral Presentation. EGU 2022, Vienna.

Plaschke, F., Koller, F., Preisser, L., LaMoury, A.T., Hietala, H., Temmer, M., Roberts, O.W.
Magnetosheath jet occurrence in solar wind parameter space.
Oral presentation. EGU 2022, Vienna.

Koller, F; Plaschke, F; Preisser, L; Temmer, M; Roberts, O. W.; Weiss, S.
How properties of large-scale solar wind structures drive magnetosheath jet properties.
Oral presentation. COSPAR 2022, Athens.

Koller, F; Leitzinger, M, Temmer, M., Odert, P., Beck, P. G., Veronig, A.
Stellar CME search using large datasets: Balmer line asymmetries in optical SDSS spectra.
Oral presentation. COSPAR 2022, Athens.

Koller, F.; Plaschke, F.; Preisser, L.; Temmer, M.; Roberts, O. W.; Weiss, S.; Vörös, Z.
Investigating residual Magnetosheath Jets during Coronal Mass Ejections.
Poster presentation. European Space Weather Week 2022, Zagreb.

Koller, F.
Connecting Magnetosheath Jets to large-scale Solar Wind Structures.
Oral Presentation. THEMIS-ARTEMIS Post-AGU Fall Meeting 2022, online, Chicago.

Searching for flares and associated CMEs on cool stars using Balmer lines in SDSS spectra,
Florian Koller, Martin Leitzinger, Manuela Temmer, Petra Odert, Paul G. Beck, and Astrid Veronig,
talk at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, online

On the influence of CMEs and SIRs on the generation of magnetosheath jets,
Florian Koller, L. Preisser, M. Temmer, F. Plaschke, and O. W. Roberts,
poster at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, online

Characteristics of magnetosheath jets during an CME passage,
Luis Preisser, Ferdinand Plaschke, Florian Koller, Manuela Temmer, Owen Roberts,
poster at AGU Fall Meeting 2021, online

First results on production of magnetosheath jets during to SIRs and CMEs,
Koller Florian, Temmer Manuela, Preisser Luis, Plaschke Ferdinand,
European Solar Physics Meeting ESPM-16 2021, online

Stellar CMEs from an observational point of view,
Martin Leitzinger, Petra Odert, Krisztian Vida, Florian Koller, Astrid Veronig, Heidi Korhonen, Eike Guenther, Arnold Hanslmeier, Manuela Temmer, Karin Dissauer, Robert Greimel, Levente Kriskovics, Helmut Lammer,
EGU 2019, Vienna