Aurora visible in Graz during huge geomagnetic storm - 11 May 2024
Helix Nebula NGC 7293 (captured with my Skywatcher N 200 / 1000), 30 images á 30s stacked - September 2024
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (captured with my Skywatcher N 200 / 1000), 10 images á 10s stacked - 30 March 2024
Ghostly Aurora in Iceland
Not-so-ghostly Aurora in Iceland 2023
Andomeda Galaxy M31, stacked image
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) captured in Graz (the fuzzy green light source)
M27 Dumbbell Nebula (captured with my Skywatcher N 200 / 1000) ~ 20 images á 20s stacked
M33 Triangulum Galaxy (captured with my Skywatcher N 200 / 1000), stacked image
IC 1396 "Elephant's Trunk Nebula" (captured with my Skywatcher N 200 / 1000), stacked image
M20 Trifid Nebula (captured with my Skywatcher N 200 / 1000), single image
Pantings, drawings & other artsy stuff:
3D printed Jebediah Kerman ready to go
Stellar evolution & Red Giant Asteroseismology in viewable scale

Acrylic paintings: M-dwarf flare & CME (topic of my Master's thesis) and artsy planetary view

Space Sloth always fulfills its task... eventually